Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week 3: Podcasting in the teaching of English


 (Blending technologies in ESL and Integrating CALL into the Classroom)

 Podcasting in the teaching of English

        Something that made me want to read more about the application of CALL in classroom by using multimedia or podcast devices is that these are used to facilitate the teaching and learning of English language. Also, integration of those strategies have transformed classroom communication methods and modified instruction strategies ,and also it  have made teaching and learning interactive and collaborative instead of the traditional teacher- talking and students listening approach. Moreover, the application of podcast in the learning and teaching of English creates opportunity for the teacher to bring almost real life situation in to the classroom. This can be used in different ways by teachers, such as improve their listening as a main objective, get meaningful knowledge, their communicative skill, and reasoning manner .Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular in education while this use of podcasts allows for more student control and flexibility of learning, some researchers assume that podcasting will foster and enhance the concepts and skills addressed in class. To sum up, time is a factor involved with language learning, and classroom time is limited, it is important to find new ways to motivate students to practice their language skills as often as possible. Podcasting offers a way to do this. This tool can be integrated into the language learning curriculum, providing students with authentic and simulated environments that can be used to practice their language skills. 

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  1. Hi Nicole, I wanted to let you know that I strongly agree with you and the author when you say that teachers are now able to bring almost real life situations into the class by using these podcasts to improve their listening and reasoning skill. It is a fact that if students get more input from a bilingual environment, they'll be able to create output very quick, and now with these podcast it is possible to keep students surrounded with English input material, even in their houses. It is too bad that not everybody counts with this kind of technology, but as teachers we have to encourage our students to get a way to get involved on this new age. What do you think?

  2. Thank you!
    That's true as a teacher we have the responsibility to promote the use of that tool.

