Monday, January 23, 2017

Week 1: Digital era in the language learning

Digital era in the language learning

     Something I learned from this article and that every teacher should know was the role of computers and other technological devices in the language learning better known as CALL (Computers and language learning) Also, how CALL modernized and improved the education process. Moreover, technology allows educators to become better teachers.

        The article “Computers and language learning” is divided in three main parts. First, educators need to be aware of the principles and importance that CALL has since it can help to enhance in a positive way the learning process of students in the classroom. Second, the use of electronic devices. It makes a class interactive by applying a variety of technological tools in the classroom, such as software developer that provides practice with any skill. It improves their skills in a more enjoyable way, and learners participate more by using virtual tools. Finally, the use of CALL can enhance the learning process making topics easier to cover. Also, more and more schools require more extensive use of technology, and exposure to technology helps prepare students for this reality. It is important for educators to keep up to date on technological possibilities in lesson preparation and use in classroom. To conclude, technology is a part of today’s world. In order to prepare students for the world, they need to be exposed to the latest technologies on a daily basis in classrooms. It is important to emphasize that as a future teachers provide a friendly and interesting atmosphere and effective for students to learn.
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  1. I really enjoyed your post specially because we agree in the opinion that with the technology teachers may have the opportunity to create interesting activities in which they will be able to learn a new language in a different way using new programs that will help them to improve their skills, and something that really called my attention was what you mention that schools are required of using more the technology because nowadays, there are few schools which use the technology to make the learning process effective, most of them are using old techniques that are not being helpful for the students. Furthermore, in my opinion schools have to train their teachers to teach students how to use the technology properly because the technology might have a negative used by the students.

  2. I totally agrre with you Nicole, when you mention that if teachers use CALL topics are easier to cover, but it does no mean that less meaningful.In addition, I like when you mention that technology helps to prepare students for the reality; That is very important point because when teachers use technology in the class students improve their skills and develop competences for a future life.
