Monday, April 24, 2017

Week 15: Enhance assessment with the help of technology

(How to use technology to provide feedback)

Enhance assessment with the help of technology

This week was about the article "How to use technology to provide feedback" It involves suggestions and provision of comments to enable learners  to make their own revisions as a dialogue ,and also it helps to gain new understanding of the topic or their homework assigments without dictating. The impact of technology helps to be more interactive and easy at the same time. Many teachers use technological programs such as, JING, ScreenR and Screen_cast_o_matic to asses students via virtual learning environment .It enables learners to take responsibility for organizing their own learning; also, this facilitates which elements of assessment fit together and why they are relevant and valuable by giving clear on how students can improve their work including signposting the most important areas to address.

Something I learned and that I immediately wanted to share with my colleagues was useful and easy it could be provide feedback through technology. This promotes the ability to manage own personal response to feedback, personal adjustment, develop students' autonomy, enhance communication and interpersonal skills, and enable a sense of self-control.

As teachers, we have to know what helps the development of metacognition by enabling students to engage in their own learning to know which learning, teaching, and assessment strategies work best for them; as a result of this we can adapt strategies to develop their skills. Technology facilitates this type of assessment or feedback is easy to use, interactive, and useful in distance learning, save time for the teacher and students.

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Week 14: Active learning through interactive classroom

(10 Benefits of Getting Students to Participate in Classroom Discussions and Think-pair-share)

 Active learning through interactive classroom

The readings for this week share interesting information about interactive English classrooms. This is a learning strategy in which students develop many skills that focus on the student’s needs such as, motivation, communicative skills, team work, initiative, self-esteem, cooperation and solidarity, and also respect towards diversity.

The articles "10 Benefits of Getting Students to Participate in Classroom Discussions" and "Think-pair-share" explain how to increase students’ interactions into the classroom and motivate them to be creative, to participate and to encourage critical thinking. These competencies will permit learner to be more confident about what they have learned and to encourage critical thinking. These competencies will permit learner to be more confident about what they have learned and show their understanding without fear of being wrong. Also, it fosters students to become autonomous in their own learning process. Moreover, in the second article "Think-pair-share" I learned how to apply smart strategies to promote those competencies like a "circle chat" this activity generates a fun and an interactive classroom environment. I think these are useful ideas to get students involved in the lesson and engage their interest and enable student free meaningful learning. To sum up, through interactions, students can increase their language repertoire as they listen to or read authentic linguistic material.

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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

week 12: PBL as a great teaching method

(Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learningand Benefits of project work)

PBL as a great teaching method

Something that called my attention in this week was about Project -based learning (PBL). I found interesting information that I immediately wanted to share with a colleague was the benefits to implement this type of learning method. PBL offers flexibility when planning content and create opportunities, interactions and learning new skills.

The purpose of this method is to provide structures in which students will demonstrate mastery of a subject by creating, and also presenting a research- based project. This can allow students to foster their interest in a topic. Moreover, Project-based learning can assess the students' knowledge of concept , content and skills .PBL also allow learners to develop critical thinking , improved their language , increase metacognitive awareness , decision-making abilities, improve students' attention of the class , students' motivation , improved their social skills , and a familiarity with the target language resources.

Finally, projects are a dynamic way to help students to show their understanding. Teachers can implement in their lesson some activities that create a meaningful learning such as, driving questions, student’s voice and choice and inquiry and innovation. As a conclusion, educators can design final products to ensure success for all students by creating multiple opportunities for students to interact with their ideas.

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