Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Week 11: The mobile generation

(Mobile assisted language learning)

The mobile generation

The article for this week entitled "Mobile assisted language learning" has a lot of interesting things that i want to take a count in my future classes ,and apply in my lesson plans to be more effective , dynamic and meaningful the learning process.

Something that made me want to read more about was how smart devices (cellphones, ipad, ipod, laptop) allow to test students in a more creative and interactive way. First, videos, applications, songs, games and social networks can be used to test learners by giving them a worksheet in which they can complete exercises related to a specific task. Also, this type of activity gets students' attention, and makes them focus on the lesson. Moreover, it develops students’ skills like a listening, writing comprehension, speaking and reading. Video games are used by students to practice any topic .As a consequence, learners tend to be more excited to learn and less worried when taking a test. To conclude, electronic devices make of the process of learning a more enjoyable and less complex, and also foster a more democratic atmosphere, more environmentally friendly than paper, a more inclusive classroom, and it offers an opportunity to educate students about media use tests.

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Thursday, March 23, 2017

week 10: The use of Wikis

(Online collaborative writing using wikis)

The use of Wikis

Something i learned from this article and that every teacher should know is the use of Wikis to promote writing skill as a collaborative online activity. As we know this writing skill plays a larger part in our life than we may realize, so that in the reading for this week i could find two main areas that Wiki encourages to develop writing skill.

Firstly, Students actively engaged in various of learning-related interactions using the platform that extended to more meaningful offline interactions. Also, they can learn from each other, and students are able to contribute of what they are learned by sharing their findings and receiving feedback; as a result, this can have a huge impact in the learners' confident.

Secondly, student develops internet search skills and critical inquiring abilities. Students are able to apply their knowledge in the task, and they gain experience in self-assessment and peer assessment .Moreover, this website called wiki offers teachers to give suggestions at any time and at any place, and also teacher can follow students' work.

To conclude, as a future educators we should take account to apply different methods to make use of Wikis in order to facilitate more interactions among students and teachers.

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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8: Teaching vocabulary through technology

(Using technology to assist in vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension )

( Online English -English dictionaries boost word learning)


Teaching vocabulary through technology

This week i had the opportunity to read two articles about how technology helps to teach vocabulary. As Tozco and Coady observe, teaching vocabulary can improve to understand the deep meaning of a topic (pag.1).It means that it can help pupils to motivate them to speak, to create a context with which their speech will have meaning.

The use of technology to teach vocabulary helps to clarify or highlight these following things that deserve special emphasis. Firstly, the different teaching tools .Teacher could apply those tools such as, electronic dictionaries and vocabulary-building software in class to develop students' abilities, attitudes and oral ability.

Secondly, reading classes are a good way to introduce vocabulary in the lesson because this may help to hold attention of students. Also, if educator incorporates the vocabulary by using multimedia this can be powerful tool to enhance the impact of the class. 

Thirdly, instructors have to know how to select appropriate software to his or her class, and adapt the necessities to each student. Finally, teachers have to keep up with all of technology advances and different methodologies that have to follow by using visual aids to make the teaching process more effective.

To sum up, something I want to remember from this article is teaching vocabulary through technology is an excellent way to improve the education process. If educators are aware that teaching vocabulary plays an important role in the learning process because it can be helpful, interactive and interesting.
